Sex and Religion

Finding Religion and Spirituality in Population, Gender, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health Advocacy in the Philippines.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Misuses of language relating to “HIV/AIDS or HIV and AIDS"

A repost from Dr. Patrick Dixon's blog <> on a UN Secretariat advisory early this year.

He wrote "One of the most common misuses of language relates to 'HIV/AIDS or HIV and AIDS'. This terminology is no longer considered appropriate and in most cases the two terms should not be used together".

Old usage »» Current preferred usage
HIV/AIDS »» HIV unless specifically referring to AIDS
HIV/AIDS »» AIDS diagnosis or HIV-related disease
HIV/AIDS epidemic »» AIDS epidemic or HIV epidemic
HIV/AIDS prevalence »» HIV prevalence
HIV/AIDS prevention »» HIV prevention
HIV/AIDS testing »» HIV testing
People living with HIV/AIDS »» People living with HIV

By: Zimmbodilion Mosende
RGS Kabandana Batch (June 2006)


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